Join by applying for Diversity Tickets!

Rustikon is open and welcoming to everyone!

We practise what we preach in our Code of Conduct. To increase diversity at Rust we are offering Diversity Tickets to people from underrepresented groups and individuals from low-income countries and backgrounds. 

Diversity tickets are awarded based on a combination of need and impact and include free admission to both the conference, and the afterparty. 

We don't cover any other costs like travel or accommodation.

Apply until the 28th of February!

Reach out to us at rustikon@rustikon.dev and provide a brief description of yourself and the reason you would like to apply for the Rustikon Diversity Ticket.

Each person is only allowed one Diversity Ticket. If you’re granted a ticket but are unable to attend for whatever reason, please notify us as soon as possible so that your ticket can be released to another person.

Diversity tickets are anonymous. It is entirely up to you whether or not you inform other people you have a Diversity Ticket.

Spread the word!

Please spread the word among those who may benefit from this form of support. If you’re an organisation that would like to get involved and support diversity at Rustikon, help us reach out beyond our usual networks.

Do you have any questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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POLIN Conference Centre, Warsaw, Poland
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